Public Policy Network
Agenda and Proceedings 2016-2017
Singapore Public Policy Network & Asian Journal of Public Affairs Inaugural Conferences
26-27 August 2016
Day 1 - Public Policy Network Inaugural Conference
Venue: HSS Conference Room (HSS-05-57), Nanyang Technological University, 14 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 637332
8:45- 9:00 Welcome & Administration
Michael Howlett (NUS), Meng-Hsuan Chou (NTU), Araz Taeihagh (SMU)
9:00- 10:30 Panel 1 – The Global/International Dimension of Public Policy
Chair: Michael Raska
Discussant: Markus Pauli
Hybrid governance of aquaculture: opportunities and challenges
Joanna Vince (University of Tasmania, Australia)
Designing Global Public Policies in the 21st Century
Chou Meng-Hsuan (NTU, Singapore) and Pauline Ravinet (University of Lille, France)
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-12:30 Panel 2 – Partnerships, Collaboration and Innovation
Chair: Araz Taeihagh, SMU
Discussant: Heather Douglas (Murdoch University, Singapore)
Changing Agriculture´s Global Value Chains – Insights from Asia: How Successful Are State, Market and Civil Society Partnerships?
Markus Pauli, (SMU, Singapore)
What should be regulated for implementing PPP in Health Sector in Indonesia
Erwin Sondang Siagian, Deputy Director for Public Private Partnership
National Public Procurement Agency of Republic Indonesia
A tale of two cities: innovation in Singapore and Hong Kong
Wang Jue (NTU)
12:30-1:30 Lunch
1:30-3:00 Panel 3 – Issues in Policy Design
Chair: Michael Howlett (NUS)
Discussant: Ishani Mukherjee (NUS)
Integration of Collective and Artificial Intelligence in Policy Design
Araz Taeihagh, (SMU)
First, Do No Harm: A Diagnostic Approach to Policy Formulation
Azad Singh Bali, (Murdoch University and NUS), M Ramesh, (NUS)
From Piloting to Policy: a comparative case study of risk management experiments in Indian Agriculture
Sreeja Nair, (NUS)
3:00-3:30 Coffee break
3:30-4:30 Panel 4 – Techniques and Methods in Policy Appraisal and Evaluation
Chair: Namrata Chindarkar (NUS)
Discussant: Yvonne Chen (NUS)
Implementing Information and Communication Technology to Support Community Aged Care Service Integration: Lessons from an Australian Aged Care Provider
Heather E Douglas, Department of Psychology, Murdoch University (Singapore)
Does Fine Particulate Matter Affect Teenage Labor Productivity?: Evidence from High School Track and Field Performance
Robert Jones*, Ronald Shadbegian**, Takanao Tanaka**, and Chao (Jacob) Zhu** (*Department of Economics, UMass Dartmouth (US), ** NUS)
4:30-6:00 Panel 5 – Roundtable on Grants and Future Research and Other Collaborations
Kanti Bajpai, LKYSPP
Yohannes Eko RIYANTO, NTU
M Ramesh, LKYSPP
Araz Taeihagh, SMU
DAY 2 – AJPA Inaugural Conference
Venue: OTH Conference Room, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Singapore, National University of Singapore
8:45-9:00 – Welcome
Charles Phua (AJPA Editor-in-Chief), Michael Howlett (AJPA Advisory Board)
9:00- 10:00 Panel 1 – Policy Innovations in Asia
Chair: Charles Phua (NUS)
Discussant: Seck Tan (NUS)
Labour Market Regulation and Employment in India’s Registered Manufacturing Sector
Aditi Gupta, Arun Sudarsan – NUS (Singapore)
Analyzing feedback and rebates as effective policy tool for household water consumption
Koh Shi Ting and Elaine Sam Hui Xian – NUS (Singapore)
10:00-11:00 Panel 2 – Agenda-Setting and Public Participation
Chair: Michael Howlett (NUS)
Discussant: Dedy Permadi (NUS)
Academic Vs Internet: Ups and Downs in Corruption Attention Cycles
Mergen Dyussenov (NUS)
11:00-11:15 Coffee break
11:15- 1:15 Panel 3 – Policy Innovations in Asia
Chair: Sreeja Nair (NUS)
Discussant: Mulya Amri (NUS)
Innovations in Government in Bangladesh
Ariful Haque and Xu Chengwei (NTU)
How to drive Public Service Innovation in the Korean and Chinese Public Sectors? Exploring the roles of Public Ethic
Hyo Joo Lee, Sungkyunkwan University (Seoul, Korea)
Technological and Political Rationalities of Smart City Initiatives in China: An Empirical Analysis
Yu Wenxuan (NTU) and Xu Chengwei (NTU) (Singapore)
Energy security and regional power sector cooperation in the Greater Mekong Sub-region: past developments and near-term challenges
Daniel del Barrio-Alvarez, Hideyuki Horii, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo (Japan)
1:15-2:30 Closing Lunch and announcement of AJPA essay prize
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